
Friday, 12 October 2012

A long way to be a researcher #1

Finally i have started my work at the Laboratory. It begins at October 1st, 2012. The first day is not the easy day, hehe. May be it is to be my first impression to be a "New Comers" in IHVCB. I feel that, what an amazing Research Facilities up there :D. From the first day i come to this place, i am promise to myself that i will do my best.
May be until this time, it is become my  3rd week work in here. The valuable time working at this place. I am really happy god give me a chance for me to enjoy to work at this place. I have a good supervisor, have a good professor from Aussie, and have a good atmosphere. The most important thing is the strong spirit in doing research. But unfortunately each part of our job in there contains "Infectious Materials". So we need to really carefully to doing our job. Hmm.. At this time, finally i feel the sensation working in Biosafety Laboratory Level-2 (BSL 2).
Oh, i am forgetting on something.. yeah progress report to professor :D, This is my report..
I am start work in IHVCB at October 1st 2012. One week in here i have learn many things. The first impression work in here are awesome. In this laboratory many researcher doing the research project on HIV and other viruses. I feel that work in here are so challenging.

First week report.

1st Day - 2nd two
I am help mrs.Henny to organize sample data base and make a list of research materials.
3rd Day
Help mrs.Henny to contact and organize the meeting with ABBOT distributor. Meeting are important to checking possibility used ABBOT Real Time PCR to identify the Viral Load.
Learn to use QIAmp DNA Mini kit for dna isolation from CSF.
4th Day
My task is learn PBMC isolation with FICOLL separation method with other research assistant.
5th Day

Doing PBMC isolation course with mrs.Henny. She told me how to doing newest PBMC isolation method with FICOLL. That method is little different with previous method that i have done in 4th Day. 

Second week report

8th Day
Mrs.henny giving an training about step by step to doing Cryopreservation.
9th Day (Today)Checking an available reagen such as RPMI, FICOLL.. and also checking available material such as blue tip, yellow tip, transfer pipette, falcon tube, etc.

On the next day i will doing PBMC isolation supervised by mrs.Henry


The professor responses with this word:
Hi Ibnu

This is a great report….

Alhamdulilah, I said to Alloh... :D
this is just the beginning.. Keep focus, do the best, and Pray to Alloh...